The Property Conection - Black.png

Berlin real estate done right.

• Fair performance-related fee structure
• Free property prep inclusive
• High-end photography and marketing services for all
• Exclusive network for finance & legal assistance
• Over 50 years of local & international experience


Why work with us?


Property Prep

Anyone can launch an apartment onto the open housing market. We want to get it right. The correct preparation & home staging to a target market is vital, designed to let buyers see how the property could work best on a day-to-day basis.

Personalised Services

Cutting through the bureaucracy and paperwork can be difficult in the German housing market. Do you need assistance gathering the relevant paperwork to provide throughout the sales process? We do all of that inclusive within our performance-based fee structure.

Marketing Services

We will work on highlighting the best aspects of your property within our 3 step marketing plan and even create the right space for people to envisage their future, so you can rest assured your home sells for the best possible price, in a timeframe that fits your needs.


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